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Hiraya’s goal is to become a silver lining in these trying times;

To remind everyone one of us to move forward and not dwell with every setback that we encounter,

To always aspire despite hardships to become better individuals,

To never lose hope that everything and anything could be possible.

About Us

 As the onslaught of pandemic occurred, the conceptualization of this magazine has encountered various challenges as to what could be the perfect and suitable stories to bring during the crisis.


We, the 4th year Journalism students of PUP College of Communication have come up with the idea to use the magazine as an instrument to inspire as well as to highlight the sacrifices of our modern heroes today. We want to give honor and gratitude to their selfless actions that are beyond their responsibility in the middle of this pandemic.


The making of the “Hiraya” magazine has never been easy as the shift of actual to virtual interaction came drastically and the resources necessary for the build-up of the stories were restricted. However, we try to manage and adapt on how we collate data to our stories and overcome the struggles of making this material possible with the goal of giving hope to each and every one of us coping up with the unforeseen changes that nothing is impossible.


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